
Thursday, August 16, 2012


As you all knew by now
that the BUKU Launch
yesterday was not successful due
to server overload.
There are about
5339 Total Members
with 290K+ BUKU Balance PreFunding
which contributed to the server crash.

BUKU Buy Button 
is now open for purchase.

Message from Admin

Good Afternoon Cap/Buku Team,

This morning we were explaining our Plan B in our Skype room for thoughts from the general overall 
membership on our new launch date. this is what I posted.

Okay as mentioned in James post yesterday.

We do have a Plan B


Everyone basically has a chance to get in first
.with this randomization process
Its just the luck of the draw...
you all might stand a better chance of getting higher positions in the randomization 
Also positions would be better distributed 
to provide some consistent cycling.
You would not believe how many purchases can go in...
in just one minute or even 20 seconds.

All of our CAP programs have been randomized up until now. Why?

Because of what you just saw happen last night. 
Another reason...
Internationals always saying programs open 
when it is not good timing for them.
And many more issues involving a launch.

Randomization really when you think about 
is no different than sitting there hoping you get in first
by clicking a button first. Taking that gamble.

I always did feel that randomization 
was the only fair way to go.

Our thoughts after thinking things over 
this morning is....

Instead of having to change servers 
and taking who knows how many days 
to get off the ground to simply open the buy button.
Let everyone buy what they planned on buying 
leave this available to do through the entire weekend 
and through Monday. You go into a queue and then we randomize that queue on Monday.  

Monday night we open up live
with all postions cycled and such when you login. 
And then it's live purchasing again from then on.

All of our programs have been very successful using randomization.

I am for the randomization. 
No singles will be allowed until after the launch, 
so people will only be able to get a maximum of 100 subs and if everyone was sitting there at launch time no guarantee where their positions would fall anyway. 
With people all over the globe, nobody has to either miss being there at start of launch, set an alarm, or lose sleep.
 Also, I personally think the sooner we get BuKu Ads launched the better and like with the randomization there will be no downtime of the website at all.

With this being said the purchase Buku ads button 
will be turned on today.
It will remain on through Monday until randomization. Monday evening we will reopen 
with a fully launched Buku ad program.

Anything purchased from time of opening will be live.
When we reopen Monday you will see everything your Available Balance your placement etc. You can withdraw –purchase or anything you would like to do.

So take the time the rest of this week 
to purchase your subs no rush to the tab.
You will have the entire weekend 
to get set in place and we will 
launch Buku on Monday.

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