
Monday, August 6, 2012



Anticipation Of Blast Off To Launch:

Please do not launch on a Monday.
Please do not launch on a Tuesday night I have to work.
Can you PLEASE not launch 
between sundown Friday and sundown Saturday. 

Please do not launch on a weekend not good for us.
I need more than a 48-72 hour notice 
or cannot participate.

My funding is taking too long.
I may not be ready. Please do not launch this week.
Need more time to get referrals.  
Please wait till next week.

 These are a tiny few of the messages 
we have been receiving over and over.

Remember those times as a child when you were anticipating an event that was so unbelievably exciting, you could hardly stand it,such as your birthday party or going to Disneyland? Your enthusiasm would bubble up inside. Meanwhile, the days went by so slowly. I remember being ten years old and anxiously awaiting going to Sea World. It was only three days away and I was so excited. I was also perplexed at the sense that as the time grew nearer, the days seemed to be getting longer and longer. I told my mom, “I’m counting the minutes until Saturday and why is it taking forever to arrive?” I had figured out that once I went to sleep that night, I’d only have two more days and one more night left until I would be seeing Shamu. “What if I just stay in bed ’til Saturday,” I said. “Then it would only seem like one more day until Sea World, instead of two.” My mom responded with some advice that has stayed with me to this day: “Vicki, never wish your days away. Cherish every single one… because if you wish them away, you may miss out on something wonderful.”As we age, time starts speeding up and those long anticipatory days happen less and less often. Instead of having time to wander in your backyard and dream of being an astronaut or a veterinarian, you barely have time to figure out what to cook for dinner.

As I am counting down the days until Buku launches 
as you all are -- I am consciously savoring every moment
of every day. James and I are also setting a very 
clear vision of launch  a direct pathway for all 
you dreamers out there to turn your hopes and longings 
into a concrete, tangible abundant reality.
A true long term business.

We are NOT perfect and as James says this is not our first BBQ --Although we are as prepared as we can be... no matter what you do, you will never be 100% prepared for every contingency...  We would be quite arrogant to say that nothing can go wrong but can say we do have back up plans in place in case something does happen. so... with this all said and done we do have plenty of testing to do yet and in order to make this the best launch ever and “IF” all testing goes well with no problems creeping up on us. We are happy to announce our launch date of Buku Ads.

Keeping in mind all of the above messages 
and more and also an important date to many CAP members, 
we have set the launch date for 
Wednesday August 15th at 8 p.m. EST 
which is also our ASP programs 9th month birthday. 
As most know BuKu was designed from our ASP program.

This is way more than our announcement 
that we would give 48-72 hours notice. 
Gives us more time to be comfortable that all things 
are going instead of rushing the second we feel its ready. And also for all of you with the above support tickets and emails to clear your schedules find a way to be prepared and be ready for the most exciting launch to hit the net in a very long time.

As our top leader in referrals 4everprofits (Tyron) 
stated last evening:

I have been working hard , spreading the word...but 
it doesn't end on launch, that's only the beginning.
BukuAds already has something that all of the 
other programs don't...a core of ever increasing members who will never see this fail. 
Time to show others what the new kid on the block 
can do. When the word gets out on launch how well 
this really works they will be screaming to jump on board.
Some people seem to like to wait to see results....and 
we all know the results will be there.

Tyron now has 214 referrals and is massively 
spreading the word on BuKu. This gives each and everyone 
of you time also.

Thanks for being here with us,

James and Vicki

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